"If you get the chance, have Lish work on your hair. Her work is beyond
amazing, and she was so gentle I actually began drifting in and out of sleep
a bit towards the end. Best decision I have ever made about my hair, period."
- amanda
started dreads on thick, asian hair
amanda is filipina, & has mass amounts of hair. both flash & non-flash photos
are presented here, as it's tough to see the details on hair this dark.
performed maintenance on fourteen month old dreads
underside before and after:
performed maintenance on two year old dreads
"I cannot say enough about how awesome lish's hair work is; I went
to her twice for maintenance on my first set and she has started BOTH my
sets of dreads, so that should speak for itself." - amanda
started dreads on thick, asian hair - again
amanda had some complications during her second pregnancy, & the medicine she
was given caused some pretty awful skin reactions. she cut & combed out the
above set to save her scalp, but came back to have a new set started as soon
as she recovered. i consider this a huge compliment to my work.
pics coming soon.
back to hairwork
send mail to crank@got.net
all images copyright C lish daelnar except where noted. all rights reserved.