cured year old dreads of serious developmental problems meghan had been going to places that wrap string around the base of each lock, which is a false maintenance that damages dread development. the pile of string i removed can be seen at the bottom. she also had several dreads which had not locked at all for 2" in the middles due to similar banding with string - these i combed out & restored. her roots were matted against her scalp & needed to be smoothed back into dread form. before: before-&-afters on specific problem dreads due to string maintenance: one: two: three: after full maintenance: most of the thread i picked out: bleached out bangs aiming for white this was achieved in one day without hurting her hair's quality. i decided not to do more work, & i instructed her in achieving full white on her own after doing some protein & moisture treatments. damp: dry: back to hairwork send mail to all images copyright C lish daelnar except where noted. all rights reserved.