started dreads on very thin, fine hair note: sarah's hair is VERY thin. i warned her that i would start her dreads & i believe she'll be happy, but if they become too heavy for her scalp to support, she will have to cut them. she is fully aware of this risk & still elected to proceed. note 2: the pink color on her scalp is from her hair dye, not from irritation or strain. before: photo by sarah t. sectioned: first few done: finished: maintenance on ten month old locks before: after: maintenance on year & a half old locks before: photo by sarah t. nape before/after: after: maintenance on three year old locks sarah hadn't been to see me in about 18 months. because of her hair type, in conjunction with her below-average number of follicles, new hairs weren't making it into her dreads - thus, she was having issues with her roots thinning. she was very concerned they were beyond the point of repair, but i was able to backcomb the loose chunks back into her dreads, saving them. before: before-&-afters on specific dreads: after: back to hairwork send mail to all images copyright C lish daelnar except where noted. all rights reserved.